HELLO! I am Cyberzeroday SEO Manager Hazrat. As Cyberzeroday, we work to help businesses and individuals protect themselves from cyber threats in a world where cyber security is increasingly important. Our team consists of experienced professionals who follow the latest trends and developments in the field of cyber security. As an SEO Manager, I specialize in increasing the visibility and traffic of websites. Working together, we have created a strong team to help businesses and individuals improve their cybersecurity. If you would like to learn more about Cyberzeroday, you can visit our website or contact me at info@cyberzeroday.org.

  • CTO: Farid Huseynli is responsible for the development of cybersecurity technologies.
  • Sales Manager: Klaus Bosch is responsible for marketing Cyberzeroday services to businesses and individuals.
  • Accountant: Hüseyin Kurt manages Cyberzeroday's financial transactions.
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